/* Copyright (c) Manuel Stofer 2012 - rtp.ch - RTP.PinchZoom.js This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the [GNU General Public License](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt), either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /*global jQuery, console, define, setTimeout, _, window*/ (function () { 'use strict'; var definePinchZoom = function ($, _) { /** * Pinch zoom using jQuery and Underscore.js * @author Manuel Stofer * @param el * @param options * @constructor */ var PinchZoom = function (el, options) { this.el = $(el); this.zoomFactor = 1; this.lastScale = 1; this.offset = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.options = _.extend(this.defaults, options); this.setupMarkup(); this.bindEvents(); this.update(); }, sum = function (a, b) { return a + b; }, isCloseTo = function (value, expected) { return value > expected - 0.01 && value < expected + 0.01; }; PinchZoom.prototype = { defaults: { tapZoomFactor: 2, zoomOutFactor: 1.3, animationDuration: 300, animationInterval: 5, maxZoom: 4, minZoom: 0.5, use2d: true }, /** * Event handler for 'dragstart' * @param event */ handleDragStart: function (event) { this.stopAnimation(); this.lastDragPosition = false; this.hasInteraction = true; this.handleDrag(event); }, /** * Event handler for 'drag' * @param event */ handleDrag: function (event) { if (this.zoomFactor > 1.0) { var touch = this.getTouches(event)[0]; this.drag(touch, this.lastDragPosition); this.offset = this.sanitizeOffset(this.offset); this.lastDragPosition = touch; } }, handleDragEnd: function () { this.end(); }, /** * Event handler for 'zoomstart' * @param event */ handleZoomStart: function (event) { this.stopAnimation(); this.lastScale = 1; this.nthZoom = 0; this.lastZoomCenter = false; this.hasInteraction = true; }, /** * Event handler for 'zoom' * @param event */ handleZoom: function (event, newScale) { // a relative scale factor is used var touchCenter = this.getTouchCenter(this.getTouches(event)), scale = newScale / this.lastScale; this.lastScale = newScale; // the first touch events are thrown away since they are not precise this.nthZoom += 1; if (this.nthZoom > 3) { this.scale(scale, touchCenter); this.drag(touchCenter, this.lastZoomCenter); } this.lastZoomCenter = touchCenter; }, handleZoomEnd: function () { this.end(); }, /** * Event handler for 'doubletap' * @param event */ handleDoubleTap: function (event) { var center = this.getTouches(event)[0], zoomFactor = this.zoomFactor > 1 ? 1 : this.options.tapZoomFactor, startZoomFactor = this.zoomFactor, updateProgress = _.bind(function (progress) { this.scaleTo(startZoomFactor + progress * (zoomFactor - startZoomFactor), center); }, this); if (this.hasInteraction) { return; } if (startZoomFactor > zoomFactor) { center = this.getCurrentZoomCenter(); } this.animate(this.options.animationDuration, this.options.animationInterval, updateProgress, this.swing); }, /** * Max / min values for the offset * @param offset * @return {Object} the sanitized offset */ sanitizeOffset: function (offset) { var maxX = (this.zoomFactor - 1) * this.getContainerX(), maxY = (this.zoomFactor - 1) * this.getContainerY(), maxOffsetX = Math.max(maxX, 0), maxOffsetY = Math.max(maxY, 0), minOffsetX = Math.min(maxX, 0), minOffsetY = Math.min(maxY, 0); return { x: Math.min(Math.max(offset.x, minOffsetX), maxOffsetX), y: Math.min(Math.max(offset.y, minOffsetY), maxOffsetY) }; }, /** * Scale to a specific zoom factor (not relative) * @param zoomFactor * @param center */ scaleTo: function (zoomFactor, center) { this.scale(zoomFactor / this.zoomFactor, center); }, /** * Scales the element from specified center * @param scale * @param center */ scale: function (scale, center) { scale = this.scaleZoomFactor(scale); this.addOffset({ x: (scale - 1) * (center.x + this.offset.x), y: (scale - 1) * (center.y + this.offset.y) }); }, /** * Scales the zoom factor relative to current state * @param scale * @return the actual scale (can differ because of max min zoom factor) */ scaleZoomFactor: function (scale) { var originalZoomFactor = this.zoomFactor; this.zoomFactor *= scale; this.zoomFactor = Math.min(this.options.maxZoom, Math.max(this.zoomFactor, this.options.minZoom)); return this.zoomFactor / originalZoomFactor; }, /** * Drags the element * @param center * @param lastCenter */ drag: function (center, lastCenter) { if (lastCenter) { this.addOffset({ x: -(center.x - lastCenter.x), y: -(center.y - lastCenter.y) }); } }, /** * Calculates the touch center of multiple touches * @param touches * @return {Object} */ getTouchCenter: function (touches) { return this.getVectorAvg(touches); }, /** * Calculates the average of multiple vectors (x, y values) */ getVectorAvg: function (vectors) { return { x: _.reduce(_.pluck(vectors, 'x'), sum) / vectors.length, y: _.reduce(_.pluck(vectors, 'y'), sum) / vectors.length }; }, /** * Adds an offset * @param offset the offset to add * @return return true when the offset change was accepted */ addOffset: function (offset) { this.offset = { x: this.offset.x + offset.x, y: this.offset.y + offset.y }; }, sanitize: function () { if (this.zoomFactor < this.options.zoomOutFactor) { this.zoomOutAnimation(); } else if (this.isInsaneOffset(this.offset)) { this.sanitizeOffsetAnimation(); } }, /** * Checks if the offset is ok with the current zoom factor * @param offset * @return {Boolean} */ isInsaneOffset: function (offset) { var sanitizedOffset = this.sanitizeOffset(offset); return sanitizedOffset.x !== offset.x || sanitizedOffset.y !== offset.y; }, /** * Creates an animation moving to a sane offset */ sanitizeOffsetAnimation: function () { var targetOffset = this.sanitizeOffset(this.offset), startOffset = { x: this.offset.x, y: this.offset.y }, updateProgress = _.bind(function (progress) { this.offset.x = startOffset.x + progress * (targetOffset.x - startOffset.x); this.offset.y = startOffset.y + progress * (targetOffset.y - startOffset.y); this.update(); }, this); this.animate( this.options.animationDuration, this.options.animationInterval, updateProgress, this.swing ); }, /** * Zooms back to the original position, * (no offset and zoom factor 1) */ zoomOutAnimation: function () { var startZoomFactor = this.zoomFactor, zoomFactor = 1, center = this.getCurrentZoomCenter(), updateProgress = _.bind( function (progress) { this.scaleTo(startZoomFactor + progress * (zoomFactor - startZoomFactor), center); }, this ); this.animate( this.options.animationDuration, this.options.animationInterval, updateProgress, this.swing ); }, /** * Updates the aspect ratio */ updateAspectRatio: function () { this.setContainerY(this.getContainerX() / this.getAspectRatio()); }, /** * Calculates the initial zoom factor (for the element to fit into the container) * @return the initial zoom factor */ getInitialZoomFactor: function () { return this.container.width() / this.el.width(); }, /** * Calculates the aspect ratio of the element * @return the aspect ratio */ getAspectRatio: function () { return this.el.width() / this.el.height(); }, /** * Calculates the virtual zoom center for the current offset and zoom factor * (used for reverse zoom) * @return {Object} the current zoom center */ getCurrentZoomCenter: function () { // uses following formula to calculate the zoom center x value // offset_left / offset_right = zoomcenter_x / (container_x - zoomcenter_x) var length = this.container.width() * this.zoomFactor, offsetLeft = this.offset.x, offsetRight = length - offsetLeft - this.container.width(), widthOffsetRatio = offsetLeft / offsetRight, centerX = widthOffsetRatio * this.container.width() / (widthOffsetRatio + 1), // the same for the zoomcenter y height = this.container.height() * this.zoomFactor, offsetTop = this.offset.y, offsetBottom = height - offsetTop - this.container.height(), heightOffsetRatio = offsetTop / offsetBottom, centerY = heightOffsetRatio * this.container.height() / (heightOffsetRatio + 1); // prevents division by zero if (offsetRight === 0) { centerX = this.container.width(); } if (offsetBottom === 0) { centerY = this.container.height(); } return { x: centerX, y: centerY }; }, canDrag: function () { return !isCloseTo(this.zoomFactor, 1); }, /** * Returns the touches of an event relative to the container offset * @param event * @return array touches */ getTouches: function (event) { var position = this.container.offset(); return _.map(event.touches, function (touch) { return { x: touch.pageX - position.left, y: touch.pageY - position.top }; }); }, /** * Animation loop * does not support simultaneous animations * @param duration * @param interval * @param framefn * @param timefn * @param callback */ animate: function (duration, interval, framefn, timefn, callback) { var startTime = new Date().getTime(), renderFrame = _.bind(function () { if (!this.inAnimation) { return; } var frameTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime, progress = frameTime / duration; if (frameTime >= duration) { framefn(1); if (callback) { callback(); } this.update(); this.stopAnimation(); this.update(); } else { if (timefn) { progress = timefn(progress); } framefn(progress); this.update(); setTimeout(renderFrame, interval); } }, this); this.inAnimation = true; renderFrame(); }, /** * Stops the animation */ stopAnimation: function () { this.inAnimation = false; }, /** * Swing timing function for animations * @param p * @return {Number} */ swing: function (p) { return -Math.cos(p * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5; }, getContainerX: function () { return this.container.width(); }, getContainerY: function () { return this.container.height(); }, setContainerY: function (y) { return this.container.height(y); }, /** * Creates the expected html structure */ setupMarkup: function () { this.container = $('
'); this.el.before(this.container); this.container.append(this.el); this.container.css({ 'overflow': 'hidden', 'position': 'relative' }); this.el.css({ 'webkitTransformOrigin': '0% 0%', 'mozTransformOrigin': '0% 0%', 'msTransformOrigin': '0% 0%', 'oTransformOrigin': '0% 0%', 'transformOrigin': '0% 0%', 'position': 'absolute' }); }, end: function () { this.hasInteraction = false; this.sanitize(); this.update(); }, /** * Binds all required event listeners */ bindEvents: function () { detectGestures(this.container.get(0), this); $(window).bind('resize', _.bind(this.update, this)); $(this.el).find('img').bind('load', _.bind(this.update, this)); }, /** * Updates the css values according to the current zoom factor and offset */ update: function () { if (this.updatePlaned) { return; } this.updatePlaned = true; setTimeout(_.bind(function () { this.updatePlaned = false; this.updateAspectRatio(); var zoomFactor = this.getInitialZoomFactor() * this.zoomFactor, offsetX = -this.offset.x / zoomFactor, offsetY = -this.offset.y / zoomFactor, transform3d = 'scale3d(' + zoomFactor + ', ' + zoomFactor + ',1) ' + 'translate3d(' + offsetX + 'px,' + offsetY + 'px,0px)', transform2d = 'scale(' + zoomFactor + ', ' + zoomFactor + ') ' + 'translate(' + offsetX + 'px,' + offsetY + 'px)', removeClone = _.bind(function () { if (this.clone) { this.clone.remove(); delete this.clone; } }, this); // Scale 3d and translate3d are faster (at least on ios) // but they also reduce the quality. // PinchZoom uses the 3d transformations during interactions // after interactions it falls back to 2d transformations if (!this.options.use2d || this.hasInteraction || this.inAnimation) { this.is3d = true; removeClone(); this.el.css({ 'webkitTransform': transform3d, 'oTransform': transform2d, 'msTransform': transform2d, 'mozTransform': transform2d, 'transform': transform3d }); } else { // When changing from 3d to 2d transform webkit has some glitches. // To avoid this, a copy of the 3d transformed element is displayed in the // foreground while the element is converted from 3d to 2d transform if (this.is3d) { this.clone = this.el.clone(); this.clone.css('pointer-events', 'none'); this.clone.appendTo(this.container); setTimeout(removeClone, 200); } this.el.css({ 'webkitTransform': transform2d, 'oTransform': transform2d, 'msTransform': transform2d, 'mozTransform': transform2d, 'transform': transform2d }); this.is3d = false; } }, this), 0); } }; var detectGestures = function (el, target) { var interaction = null, fingers = 0, lastTouchStart = null, startTouches = null, setInteraction = function (newInteraction, event) { if (interaction !== newInteraction) { if (interaction && !newInteraction) { switch (interaction) { case "zoom": target.handleZoomEnd(event); break; case 'drag': target.handleDragEnd(event); break; } } switch (newInteraction) { case 'zoom': target.handleZoomStart(event); break; case 'drag': target.handleDragStart(event); break; } } interaction = newInteraction; }, updateInteraction = function (event) { if (fingers === 2) { setInteraction('zoom'); } else if (fingers === 1 && target.canDrag()) { setInteraction('drag', event); } else { setInteraction(null, event); } }, targetTouches = function (touches) { return _.map(touches, function (touch) { return { x: touch.pageX, y: touch.pageY }; }); }, getDistance = function (a, b) { var x, y; x = a.x - b.x; y = a.y - b.y; return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); }, calculateScale = function (startTouches, endTouches) { var startDistance = getDistance(startTouches[0], startTouches[1]), endDistance = getDistance(endTouches[0], endTouches[1]); return endDistance / startDistance; }, cancelEvent = function (event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }, detectDoubleTap = function (event) { var time = (new Date()).getTime(); if (fingers > 1) { lastTouchStart = null; } if (time - lastTouchStart < 300) { cancelEvent(event); target.handleDoubleTap(event); switch (interaction) { case "zoom": target.handleZoomEnd(event); break; case 'drag': target.handleDragEnd(event); break; } } if (fingers === 1) { lastTouchStart = time; } }, firstMove = true; el.addEventListener('touchstart', function (event) { firstMove = true; fingers = event.touches.length; detectDoubleTap(event); }); el.addEventListener('touchmove', function (event) { if (firstMove) { updateInteraction(event); if (interaction) { cancelEvent(event); } startTouches = targetTouches(event.touches); } else { switch (interaction) { case 'zoom': target.handleZoom(event, calculateScale(startTouches, targetTouches(event.touches))); break; case 'drag': target.handleDrag(event); break; } if (interaction) { cancelEvent(event); target.update(); } } firstMove = false; }); el.addEventListener('touchend', function (event) { fingers = event.touches.length; updateInteraction(event); }); }; return PinchZoom; }; if (typeof define !== 'undefined' && define.amd) { define(['jquery', 'underscore'], function ($, _) { return definePinchZoom($, _); }); } else { window.RTP = window.RTP || {}; window.RTP.PinchZoom = definePinchZoom(jQuery, _); } }).call(this);